

仿真是科研人员、开发人员和工程师理解化工反应系统中的过程、现象和设计的强大工具。“化学反应工程模块”是 COMSOL Multiphysics® 软件平台的一款附加产品,为用户提供了直观的界面,用于创建、检查和编辑化学方程、动力学表达式、热力学函数和输运方程。一旦模型通过了实验数据的验证,就可以用来研究不同的工作条件和反应系统的设计,以及相应的传输现象。通过分析使用不同输入数据求解的结果,可以帮助用户理解所研究系统的工作原理。将“化学反应工程模块”与 COMSOL Multiphysics® 中的其他工具结合使用,还可以基于先进算法来优化化工系统的性能和参数。

板式反应器模型,其中的等值面图以 Viridis 颜色表显示化学物质的浓度。


使用 COMSOL® 软件模拟各种工业过程中的传递现象和化学反应。

A close-up view of a stirred tank reactor model showing the velocity magnitude.

Bulk Chemicals

Simulate space-dependent continuous stirred mixers and tank reactors for high flow rates.

A close-up view of a liquid–liquid extraction column model showing the concentration and dispersed phase.

Specialty Chemicals

Study reaction kinetics and mass transport to design processes for the fine chemicals industry, such as extraction and distillation processes.

A close-up view of a human eye model showing the drug concentration.

Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

Optimize designs and processes for biotech and pharmaceutical applications by modeling the transport and reactions of drugs in tissue and across membranes.

A close-up view of a plate reactor model showing the concentration.

Food Processing

Investigate heat transfer and reactions during pasteurization or study other processes in the food industry, such as drying, cooking, and fermentation.

A close-up view of a packed bed reactor model with pellets.


Model catalyst deactivation and pressure losses in packed bed reactors.

A close-up view of a T-mixer showing the number density.

Environmental Technology

Investigate the elimination of pollutants in effluent streams using separation processes such as adsorption, membrane filtration, and crystallization.

A close-up view of a CVD boat reactor showing the concentration on the surface.


Study the rate of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) as a function of fluid flow and reaction kinetics in a CVD boat reactor.

A close-up view of a laminar static mixer with an isosurface plot showing the concentration.

Consumer Products

Design static mixers for laminar flow —such as mixers for epoxies, silicones, and acrylic resins — that achieve the desired emulsion properties.

A close-up view of a polymerization multijet model showing the concentration and flow rate.


Study different aspects of polymer production processes, such as the dissolution of reactants, polymerization reactions, curing reactions, and filtration of the product stream.

A close-up view of three lines from a 1D plot with annotations showing mass fractions for H2, N2, and NH3.

Agricultural Chemicals

Investigate optimal process conditions and reactor design for the production of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.



  • 研究理想的完全混合系统中的反应机理
  • 计算动力学、热力学和传递属性
  • 将研究扩展到空间相关的系统
    • 化学物质传递
    • 传热
    • 流体流动
    • 动电效应




A close-up view of the Model Builder with the Reaction Engineering node highlighted and a monolith reactor model in the Graphics window.


在分析任何系统时,首先需要建立质量平衡。借助反应工程 接口,用户可以输入化学方程来自动获取系统中化学物质的质量平衡和能量平衡方程。当输入反应机理时,软件会根据质量分数来自动确定动力学表达式随物质浓度变化的函数。用户也可以输入自定义解析式,以描述反应速率随物质浓度和温度的变化。


A close-up view of the Generate Space-Dependent Model settings and a tortuous reactor in the Graphics window.


一旦创建了完全混合系统的模型,就可以利用它来自动定义空间相关系统的质量、能量和动量平衡。在反应工程 接口中计算的传递属性(例如热容、导热系数、黏度和二元扩散系数)会自动转移到化学物质传递、传热和流体流动物理场接口。借助这一功能,用户可以在转向二维、二维轴对称和三维模型之前,优化和完善化学反应的动力学和热力学表达式。

A close-up view of the Model Builder with the Dispersed Phase Transport of Diluted Species node selected and an extraction column model in the Graphics window.


在对反应系统中的传递现象进行仿真时,需要准确描述化学物质在多组分传递模型 中的行为。“化学反应工程模块”的浓物质传递 接口中包含复杂的多组分传递模型,用户可以在 Maxwell-Stefan 公式与多组分传递的混合平均模型之间进行选择。对于稀溶液,还可以选择稀物质传递 接口来处理溶液中以溶质-溶剂相互作用为主导的情况。含物质传递的分散两相流 接口可用于描述两个不混溶液相之间的化学物质传递。化学物质输运方程还可用于多孔介质,例如,用来包含克努森扩散的情况。此外,本模块还内置了含尘气体扩散模型,以满足更广泛的需求。通过反应工程 接口生成与空间相关的模型时,可以直接根据化学方程得到质量平衡模型的公式和传递属性,从而简化建模过程。

A close-up view of the Transport Properties feature in the Model Builder and an electrokinetic valve model in the Graphics window.


对于稀物质传递或浓物质传递,电场可以作为驱动力来驱动电解质和离子在溶液中的运动。软件提供了专用于电解质建模的 Nernst-Planck电泳输送 接口,可以包含泊松方程的公式或电解质中电荷平衡的电中性条件。这项功能的应用范围广泛,涵盖电动阀、电渗流和电泳等领域。

A close-up view of the Thermodynamic System settings and a heat pipe model in the Graphics window.




A close-up view of the Settings window for the Parameter Estimation study step node and a 1D plot in the Graphics window.




A close-up view of the Model Builder with the Transport of Diluted Species in Porous Catalyst node highlighted and a porous catalyst bed reactor model in the Graphics window.


“化学反应工程模块”提供了强大的流体流动功能,可以处理层流和多孔介质流动现象。此外,通过与 CFD 模块耦合使用,还可以使用现成的耦合功能,对湍流中的化学物质传递进行仿真。通过反应工程 接口生成与空间相关的模型时,可以直接根据化学方程得到流体流动模型的公式、黏度和密度等重要参数。

A close-up view of the Model Builder with the Heat Transfer in Fluids node highlighted and an engine coolant model in the Graphics window.


“化学反应工程模块”中包含的传热功能可以分析传导传热、对流传热和辐射传热。辐射项可以通过“表面对环境辐射”来获取,而“表面对表面辐射”和“参与介质中的辐射”则需要使用传热模块进行详细分析。“化学反应工程模块”的传热功能覆盖了流体传热、固体传热和多孔介质传热。当使用反应工程 接口生成与空间相关的模型时,用户可以直接根据化学方程得到传热模型的公式,并获取相关的热力学和传递属性。





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