
各个行业的工程师和科研人员都在使用多物理场仿真来研发创新的产品设计和流程。他们在 COMSOL 用户年会上展示了丰富的技术论文和演示文稿,您可以从他们的研究成果中寻找灵感。


查看 COMSOL 用户年会 2020 论文

2010 - Parisx

Modeling Of A Single Pulse Electric Discharge At Sphere/Flat Interface By Coupling Contact Multiphysics And Phase Transformations

G. Maizza, P. Di Napoli, and R. Cagliero
Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali ed Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy

Contact electro-thermal phenomena are of great theoretical and technological interest to a large number of ... 扩展阅读

Structural Analysis: Going Beyond Standard Load Cases

I. Kjelberg
CSEM sa, Switzerland

Dr. Ivar Kjelberg is Senior Project Manager for Mechatronics in the Systems Engineering Division of CSEM SA ... 扩展阅读

Finite Element Model of a Ferroelectric

P.R. Sainz, A.I. De Andrés Rubio, and A.L. Dorado
Departamento de Electrónica, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain

Ferroelectric technology continues to attract significant interest due to its wide range of applications ... 扩展阅读

Modeling of Vickers indentation of TiAl alloys

G. Maizza, and R. Cagliero
Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino, Italy

Instrumented indentation is increasingly used as an alternative non-destructive test method to measure ... 扩展阅读

Fruit Optical Properties Assessment by Means of Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy

E. Madieta[1], V. Piron[2], A. Flament[1], J.P. L’Huillier[2], and E. Mehinagic[1]
[1]PRES L’UNAM, ESA, Grappe, Angers, France
[2]ENSAM Paristech, Angers, France

Since the invention of laser sources, understanding the interaction between the laser and biological tissues ... 扩展阅读

From customer requirement to product requirement with COMSOL

A.B. Nilsson
BD Medical - Medical Surgical Systems, Helsingborg, Sweden

Anders B Nilsson graduated M. Sc. in engineering physics from Lund University in Sweden. He has been working ... 扩展阅读

An MHD Modeling of High-Temperature SiC Solution Growth

F. Mercier[1], D. Chaussende[1], J.M. Dedulle[1,2] and J. Lefebure[1]
[1]Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique (LMGP), Grenoble INP - CNRS, France
[2]IRIS Technologies, Grenoble, France

Despite its real advantages compare to seeded sublimation growth, SiC solution growth has never given ... 扩展阅读

Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Model to Predict Changes in Velocity properties in Stented Carotid Artery

S. Vaidehi, and A. Ritter
Stevens Institute of Technolgy, Hoboken, NJ, USA

Atherosclerosis is a disease that narrows, thickens, hardens and restructures a blood vessel due to ... 扩展阅读

Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Finite Element Modeling to Investigate the Reliability of Automotive MOSFET Transistor

T. Azoui, P. Tounsi, and J.M. Dorkel
CNRS, LAAS, Toulouse, France

3D electro-thermo-mechanical finite element model of power vertical MOSFET used in the automotive industry is ... 扩展阅读

A Model of Gas Bubble Growth by COMSOL Multiphysics

B. Chinè[1,2], and M. Monno[1,3]
[1]Laboratorio MUSP, Macchine Utensili e Sistemi di Produzione, Piacenza, Italy
[2]Instituto Tecnològico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ciencia e Ingenierìa de Materiales, Cartago, Costa Rica
[3]Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Meccanica, Milano, Italy

We use COMSOL Multiphysics to model a gas bubble expansion in a viscous liquid initially at rest, a very ... 扩展阅读